The Smart Buildings Center now offers live instructional webinars throughout the year to keep you informed on the dynamic field of facilities management. Learn practical solutions to deal with the energy hogs in your building from industry experts. The 2019 webinars focus on occupational health and safety practices in buildings, utilize energy management information systems to identify and communicate energy savings opportunities, as well as explore advancements in HVAC and lighting.
For the BOC graduate, successful completion of the webinar and accompanying quiz provides 1.5 points towards maintaining your BOC Certification and .15 IACET CEU’s towards the renewal of industry certifications, certificates and licenses including but not limited to AIA, PE, LEED, IFMA, ASHRAE, and AEE.
Live webinars are held from 2 to 3 p.m. ET. Once broadcast, they are available on demand in recorded format from our webinar library.
Building Tune-Ups In Buildings With A Building Automation System
April 23, 2019
Periodic re-tuning of building controls and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems can help improve the building’s energy efficiency through low cost and no-cost operational improvements. This webinar will discuss the re-tuning approaches of identifying energy efficiency opportunities using a building automation system (BAS).
Speaker: Srinivas Katipamula, PNNL, Staff Scientist
Energy Management Information Systems: How Do You Track and Communicate Savings Over Time
May 15, 2019
Commercial buildings are full of hidden energy savings potential that can be uncovered with the right analysis. Utilizing a utility bill analysis to energy management information system with fault detection and diagnostics capabilities, this webinar will provide building operators a deeper and faster insight on how to unlock energy efficiency opportunities and how to communicate the energy savings and maintenance costs over time.
Speaker: Brian Hanson, MacDonald Miller, BPG Project Development Manager