A no-cost WSU Energy Program for Resource Conservation Managers, Energy Managers, and Sustainability Managers at public facilities in Washington State
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
10:30 AM to 12:00 PM Pacific Time (1 ½ hours)
Energy Management Plan (EMP) and Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Plan requirements for Washington State’s Clean Buildings Performance Standard is the focus of this 1 ½ hour no-cost webinar, sponsored by Washington State University Energy Program.
While EUIs, EUI targets, and benchmarking have rightfully been getting a lot of attention, documentation requirements for your EMP and O&M program are a significant part of Clean Buildings and worth starting sooner than later. Recognizing the need for EMP and O&M Program templates, ArchEcology, a green building consulting firm based in Seattle, created a template and guidance for building operators and property managers. Katherine Morgan, Principal at ArchEcology and a BOC instructor, will provide an introductory training to their free template package, to help support the collective effort to improve energy and emissions performance across the state.
In addition to the presentation, we will open the webinar up to discussion to hear from attendees about concerns as well as successes in dealing with the EMP and O&M requirements.
RCMs, energy managers, and similar staff from Washington state public and government institutions and agencies are the intended audience. Others may attend if space allows.
Washington State University Energy Program promotes and supports RCM programs with technical assistance, hiring and job description information, monthly newsletters, website, and more.
This free webinar from Washington State University Energy Program is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy State Energy Program through the Washington State Department of Commerce Energy Division.
For more information, email [email protected].