Remote Learning Calendar

This calendar is intended to serve as a resource for those interested in remote learning events related to commercial energy and facilities management. Submit your event. All submissions moderated by SBC.

Tools for Modeling the 2018 SEC and WSEC


This course highlights the energy modeling requirements for Seattle and Washington State 2018 energy code compliance as well as ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G – the new modeling standard. Seattle and […]


Understanding the WA Clean Buildings Standard


The Clean Buildings Standard is one measure Washington State is taking to improve building operational efficiency. Propelling buildings to targeted energy use intensity by building type and size, all commercial […]


SBC Executive Forum: Building Electrification & Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings


Certainly, increasing building electrification (BE) is a critical step toward decarbonization of the built environment. The specific steps to achieve BE are somewhat less certain. Replacing carbon-emitting fossil fuel appliances with clean electric sources is the easy answer, but as usual there are lots of complexities in making this happen in both commercial and residential […]


Introduction to Central Systems for Heat Pump Water Heating (Part 2): How to Select and Design a Heat Pump Water Heater System in Your Next Multifamily or Commercial Project


This course provides an overview of key central system design considerations. It explores the different system components, including next generation refrigerants, and gives an update on the status and evolution of available plug-n-play commercial equipment. Lastly, it walks through the Ecosizer tool available to properly size central heat pump systems. Audience: This class is intended […]


Energy Reduction Opportunities in Industrial Dust Collection Systems


It’s one thing to control your dirty air from manufacturing processes, it’s another to do it intelligently! Modern industrial dust and fume collection systems typically lack the controls and monitoring needed to be truly energy efficient. In this webinar, our expert presenters will help you understand your dust collection system and give you the tools you […]


Smart Building Summit


Hear from building and technology experts about integrated, high-performance buildings. On May 11 and 12, participate in the first Smart Building Summit, hosted by USGBC's Pacific region communities. This event will bring together diverse players to discuss the optimization of the design and operation of integrated, high-performance buildings. Join industry leaders in exploring opportunities to advance […]

Smart Buildings Exchange


A three-day hybrid conference connecting participants to the latest information and technologies in the smart buildings industry and showcasing smart buildings projects and initiatives in the U.S. Throughout the built environment, new technologies are connecting building systems and occupants in ways that generate new and exciting opportunities. From enabling buildings to perform for occupants and […]


Puget Sound EnergyThe Remote Learning Calendar is sponsored by Puget Sound Energy.

If you’re a Puget Sound Energy Commercial Strategic Energy Management customer, check with your PSE Energy Management Engineer for discounted rates to Building Operator Certification events.