Accelerating Existing Building Tune-Ups in Seattle, Washington
Thursday, March 26, 9-10 AM PST
Building tune-ups aim to optimize energy and water performance by identifying low- or no-cost actions related to building operations and maintenance, that can generate 10-15% in energy savings, on average. The City of Seattle adopted the Building Tune-Ups Ordinance in March 2016. In tandem with the requirement going into effect for large buildings (>200K SF) in 2019, the City partnered with the U.S. Department of Energy to offer an accelerated tune-up process to the mid-size building market (approx. 50-100K SF), involving a variety of building owners, contractors, and energy auditors. Nicole Ballinger, Seattle’s Building Tune-up Accelerator Program Manager, and participating building owners will describe the tune-up program, benefits, and best practices discovered through the pilot process. Nora Wang of Pacific Northwest National Lab will describe the use of the DOE Asset Score tool in building assessments.
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Seattle Building Tune-up Accelerator Program highlights and case studies are now posted on the City of Seattle’s website and the final report will be posted later this spring/early summer.