On August 2nd, the Smart Buildings Center had a successful event for Pacific Tower building tenants to introduce SBC’s project to improve energy efficiency at Pacific Tower, one of the most iconic and historic buildings in Seattle. Earlier this year, SBC received a two-year grant from the Martin Fabert Foundation, with a focus on engaging the 16 organizations on behavioral strategies specific to lighting, plug loads, and heating and cooling. The first step was to establish a baseline energy use data for the building. We utilized SBC’s Tool Lending Library and deployed over 100 data loggers over a period of two months. At the event, attendees learned about the building energy consumption and energy use profile as a result of the data analysis from the loggers. In addition, they also learned tips and tricks on changes they can implement to reduce energy consumption.
The kickoff event was the first of many more tenant engagement events for this project. The first building wide tenant two-week competition, Lights Off Challenge, was announced and started on August 7. Stay tuned for more progress on this project over the next two years.