BuildingEnergy Boston is a conference designed by and for practitioners in the fields of high-performance building and design, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. Conference sessions and sponsored presentations offer best practices and lessons learned, case studies and proven data, technical how-to’s, emerging technologies, and innovative policies and programs. If you are a professional in the built environment in any stage of your training and career, plan to immerse yourself in two days of networking and intensive learning on March 20th and 21st. BuildingEnergy Boston 2025 anticipates offering credits through AIA, BPI, LEED, PHIUS, RESNET, and more. Learn more and register at:
BuildingEnergy Boston is a great way to maintain your BOC Credential!
The Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA) helps high-performance building and renewable energy professionals improve their practices by learning from and networking with each other. Founded in 1975, it is a member-driven 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the adoption of sustainable energy practices in the built environment. Learn more at