Washington State University Energy Program (WSU) is requesting your input on a short online survey about the upcoming Washington State Clean Building Energy Performance Standard. The intention of the survey is to help WSU create an effective support program for those involved with complying with the law, such as building owners, facility and energy managers, energy service providers, and utilities.
The standard is undergoing rule-making by the Washington State Department of Commerce (Commerce) and will be established November 1, 2020, per the Clean Buildings bill (HB 1257). In short, the performance standard requires all commercial buildings (both public and private) over 50,000 square feet to lower their energy consumption by complying with a specific energy use target. Please refer to Commerce’s Clean Buildings website for more information.
Click here to take the survey. July 20 is the last day to take the survey.
For more information, contact WSU Clean Buildings Support Team at cleanbuildings@energy.wsu.edu.