Remote Learning Calendar

This calendar is intended to serve as a resource for those interested in remote learning events related to commercial energy and facilities management. Submit your event. All submissions moderated by SBC.

The Future of Work: Upgrade Your Building Science Toolkit 


Live Webinar Panel with Interactive Q&A Thursday, July 23, 2020, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific Time The Sustainable Building Science Technology and WSU Energy programs co-present this Future of Work webinar. […]


Lighting Design Process


The process of developing and documenting a lighting design can vary widely depending on the project type and scale, and on the manner in which it is being delivered. Regardless […]


Everyone has a Data Center: How to Be an Energy Champion for Yours


Learn how to make the business case for energy efficiency in data centers. This webinar will help participants identify key stakeholder interests, underlying drivers, and institutional and technical barriers that […]


Succeed with Submetering: How to Make the Business Case


Organizations of all shapes and sizes can benefit from better understanding their granular energy usage. Partners from both the public and private sectors will discuss how to persuade decision-makers and […]


HVAC Total System Performance Ratio (TSPR) Training


Wednesday, August 5, 2020 12:00 – 1:30 PM · Pacific Time This live webinar training will provide an introduction to the HVAC Total System Performance Ratio (TSPR) code compliance path. […]


Energy Exchange 2020


The Federal Energy Management Program and the U.S. Department of Energy will modify Energy Exchange in August to a one-time virtual training August 10-14, 2020. Now more than ever we […]

$95 – $175

Audit & Retrofit Techniques


The advent of LED lighting has caused a seismic shift in the lighting industry, creating a renewed interest in how to best upgrade the lighting in existing buildings. One of the best places to start is to do an inventory of what your current lighting system is and what its strengths and weaknesses are. This […]


Introduction to Codes & Standards


There can be a dizzying array of influences on any lighting project. Beyond design and budget constraints, there are a wide range of codes and standards that will affect the […]


Benefits of Energy and Domestic Water Submetering


One of the top priorities of building owners and operators is the need for more efficient and accurate BTU metering. Having good and reliable information can help reduce the amount of energy used, by operating more efficiently. This can help reduce operational costs and recover revenue from inaccurate billing. Since the early 1980’s ultrasonic clamp-on Flow […]


Promoting Energy Efficient Lighting Systems


Have you ever been involved in a project where the new LED fixtures have been value engineered out and replaced by retrofit kits, TLEDs, fluorescent technology, or disregarded from the project altogether? Has your Networked Lighting Control (NLC) system design been downscaled to a simple wallbox solution? All too often, new construction and renovation projects […]

Event Series Virtual Smart Buildings Week

Virtual Smart Buildings Week


In place of the planned in-person Smart Buildings Exchange 2020 event, we are hosting a free Virtual Smart Buildings Week September 14th-17th, 2020. Each day during the lunch hour, a virtual session crafted from key topics and speaker commitments for our planned in-person event will feature a lively and interactive panel discussion as outlined below. Registration for the first […]

Event Series Virtual Smart Buildings Week

Virtual Smart Buildings Week


In place of the planned in-person Smart Buildings Exchange 2020 event, we are hosting a free Virtual Smart Buildings Week September 14th-17th, 2020. Each day during the lunch hour, a virtual session crafted from key topics and speaker commitments for our planned in-person event will feature a lively and interactive panel discussion as outlined below. Registration for the first […]

Event Series Virtual Smart Buildings Week

Virtual Smart Buildings Week


In place of the planned in-person Smart Buildings Exchange 2020 event, we are hosting a free Virtual Smart Buildings Week September 14th-17th, 2020. Each day during the lunch hour, a virtual session crafted from key topics and speaker commitments for our planned in-person event will feature a lively and interactive panel discussion as outlined below. Registration for the first […]


Virtual Smart Buildings Week


In place of the planned in-person Smart Buildings Exchange 2020 event, we are hosting a free Virtual Smart Buildings Week September 14th-17th, 2020. Each day during the lunch hour, a virtual session crafted from key topics and speaker commitments for our planned in-person event will feature a lively and interactive panel discussion as outlined below. Registration for the first […]


What Went Wrong?


The IESNA Design Guide 7-1994 reveals how lighting professionals must function simultaneously as engineers, artists, code experts, project coordinators, collaborators, administrators, advocates, and evaluators. Today, the same lighting professionals must also be well-versed in the emerging technologies that lighting is expanding into or serving as infrastructure for: IoT, smart buildings, light and health, horticultural lighting, […]


Innovative Energy Efficiency Financing in Public Housing


Energy and water efficiency upgrades in public housing can free up operating funds while reducing tenant utility bills and improving resident health and comfort. However, Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) face persistent financial barriers that often prevent them from accessing capital for retrofits. This webinar will present innovative solutions from three PHAs that successfully financed efficiency […]


BOC Financing Energy Efficiency Projects Webinar


This webinar will discuss innovative financing options for energy efficiency projects in commercial buildings including power purchase agreements (PPAs), property assessed clean energy (PACE) bond financing, on-bill financing, and energy service performance contracting (ESPC). Building Operator Certification (BOC)  offers live instructional webinars throughout the year to keep you informed on the dynamic field of facilities management. […]


Regulatory Solutions for Building Decarbonization


Please join us for a live webinar on September 24 to learn more about the critical role utility regulators can play in cutting emissions from the buildings sector and ushering in a new era of clean, affordable, sustainable homes and offices. • Mike Henchen, principal at RMI, report co-author • Sherri Billimoria, senior associate at […]

The Getting to Zero Market Landscape and 2020 Zero Energy Buildings List


NBI has been tracking the zero energy building sector for over a decade and our annual Zero Energy Buildings List is just about complete, with nearly 700 zero energy verified and emerging buildings being tracked! Join NBI’s Alexi Miller and Kevin Carbonnier as they share the status of the zero energy market in the United States and Canada, including […]


Puget Sound EnergyThe Remote Learning Calendar is sponsored by Puget Sound Energy.

If you’re a Puget Sound Energy Commercial Strategic Energy Management customer, check with your PSE Energy Management Engineer for discounted rates to Building Operator Certification events.